Thursday, 18 April 2013


For my A2 media portfolio I chose the film trailer brief, this involved producing a teaser trailer, a poster to advertise the film and a webpage for the film. In this evaluation I have included links to posts on my blog.

1.      In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Before I began producing my teaser trailer 'Vengeance' I researched the codes and conventions of both film trailers and then specifically the codes and conventiosn of films belonging to the horror genre. I researched and analysed a range of film trailers Most films use at least two of the following type of advertisement. My task was to create a teaser trailer, but as teaser trailers are usually shortened versions of the theatrical trailer I needed to create one of those too. My trailers sticks to the convention of being between 30 seconds and 2 minutes as it would most likely be shown on the TV. I also made a poster and a webpage which would further promote and advertise the film. After researching the structure of film trailers I decided to focus on films that specifically belonged to the horror film genre. When researching I looked into the different genres of films and more specifically the sub genres of horror films. I also looked into the history of film trailers to see if my trailer could use the codes and conventions of much older existing media products as well as the more recent ones. However I also decided to try and challange conventions by looking at techniques used in music videos and seeing if it was possible to apply them tom a film trailer effectively. 

My initial idea was to have the advert in a flashback style scene which would show that the film has more of a non-linear narrative similar to the films ‘Memento’ (Christopher Nolan, 2000) and ‘The Grudge’ (Takashi Shimizu, 2004), in which the trailer would open with a scene of the protagonist seemingly attempting to drown herself and then switch to a series of black and white flashbacks of the events that had lead up to this point. Due to time issues and cast members having other commitments I decided to change this to a simpler, classic horror film idea of a masked villain which would conform to the conventions of masks used to both show who the villan is but also hide there actual identity. I researched the portrayl  and representation of villans to further my knowledge and extend my idea of what my villan would look like.(LINK). I also decided to look into stereotyping, stereotyping is used to help us quickly interpret a media text. By using stereotypical characters (ECT....) I decided to go against some stereotypes in my film by having the female protagonist appear to survive (in both my 30 second and 10 second trailer) this went against the conventions of how women are often represented in horror films, although with the introduction of the 'final girl' (often a teenager who is 'innocent' and conforms to the norms and values of society) defeating the killer in slaher films this view could be argued to be somewhat outdated.

In my video i included a logo from 'warner bros'. This is a well known film production company and by using this i think it adds to.... (info on warner bros, why i chose it and image, why i also made a production co, link to own text/image)

I decided to make both a landscape and portrait poster as during my research i found that conventionally they have both as it allows the film to be advertised in more places.

After finishing the posters I decided to superimpose them onto real advertising spaces to show how they would look and to also show where they could be placed. It was also at this time that i checked that my posters would fit the conventional dimentions (either a 32 sheet billboard poster or a 6 sheet bus stop poster).

2.      How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
I think the combination of my main and ancillary texts is effective, they all have a similar house style and colour scheme which makes it clear they are all advertising the same thing. My trailer, poster and website all contain the same 'vengance' logo too.

3.      What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

My audience feedback proved very useful in the overall improvement of my trailer and accompanying media texts. Before I even begsan thinking about the genre and conventions of my trailer i created a poll on my blog, I then analysed the results on this after over 10 people had voted and created my audience profile

4.      How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

During the summer, when i did the majority of the planning for my trailer I mainly used media technonlgies such as websites like youtube to research and watch trailers and IMDb to research the plot of the trailer I watched and check to see its genre. I watched a range of both horror and thriller films to get an insight into what needs to be included in a film trailer and what film trailers gave away too much of the plot. I then went on to create a storyboard of an existing media text which helped me when i planned my own storyboard (LINK) as it gave me sense of how long each shot should be and the shot sequence.

During the making of my trailer i used a non-linear editing suite, the editing softwere i used was adobe premiere pro this allowed me to accesse and edit any frame of my footage at anytime regardles of its sequence in the clip. Non-linear editing also allows effects such as the black and white filter and fades which would be impossible had i been using a linear editing suite. During the production of the video I also used adobe photoshop to create the title scene and add a black and white filter to the Warner brothers logo (see below).


Feedback on all


Final website

This is the link to my final webpage
below is a screenshot of the site

Final posters

Feedback on film

This is the feedback for my final film trailer, I will use this information to halp with my evaluationand make any last minute changes if needed.

Final Film Trailers

This is my final 1 min 30 second trailer:

This is my final 30 second teaser trailer:

This is my final 10 second teaser trailer:

Feedback on film

making of film and research i did during its production

Film draft 2 (music)

Alex - The acceleration of the music builds with the acceleration of the footage. I like the text as it gives you a feel as to what the film is about and really draws you in. It also now feels less fragmented and flows better because you extended the music box scene. However you need to fix the spelling in the website and maybe use a different font.

Kiera - The genre of the film is clear and overall it is a good trailer, the narrative is clear without revealing too much of the plot however i dont like the use of the static.

Feedback on website

Website link

Final website

This is the link to my final webpage
below is a screenshot of the site

Making of website

Draft 2 feedback

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Drafts 2

On this draft I decided to change the title and rating arround, I think that this changes the focus of the poster.

Draft feedback

feedback2 by s0013779 on GoAnimate

Video Maker - Powered by GoAnimate.

Alex: Website plan 1 is interesting, I like the idea of the clock face however the lack of text makes it look bland.
Website plan 2 looks very empty, there is not a lot too it and it is very simplistic and boring.
Website plan 3 is interesting and has a wide variety of image and text. However I think it would look better if the title of the film was at the top of the webpage ratehr than the bottom.
Website plan 4 Looks too much like a document, i do not think the big block of red are effective and it doesn’t look very dynamic. However I like the social media buttons, they look grainy and aged, this adds a contrast as Facebook and twitter are fairly new technologies.

Digital Drafts

Below are some plans for my website design that I made in photoshop.                                              

Draft 1:
Draft 2:
Draft 3:

Draft 4:

Plan 1

Below are some of my initial hand drawn drafts.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Website research

I did some research on websites for horror films to see how they were different from other forms of advertisement and also why people whould choose to use it. Common features of a webpage for a film are similar to that of a poster, they both usually have a billing box, include the film rating, the film title and are in a similar style/include some of the same images as the film trailer to create a 'house style'. However a webpage also includes things like social media buttons, trailer links and a summary of the film. Below are some of the webpages I looked at.
This is the website for the film 'Dark Skies'. ( ) 'Dark Skies' is a horror/sci-fi thriller about a familie who witness an increasing number of supernatural disturbances in their home. The website has alot of empty space and no main image, only text, this makes the composition seem
 simple and also doesnt reveal the plot. There are also socila media buttons on this webpage, htis allows people to 'like' and share the page which can promote discuttion and advertise the film further.

This website is for the 'saw' franchise. ( ) It includes information about all 6 films in the saga and is more dynamic than most other film websites,

Monday, 18 March 2013

First edit

This is the first draft of my media video, I decided to make a quick draft and then get some feedback so that if the idea diddnt wqork i would have enough time to refilm.
Good: The graduate progression of the villans presence is effective as it creates suspence, I think that by adding the music we discussed it will be more effective. Also the sound of the music box at the beginning is effective.
Bad: The end scene cuts too soon, and some of the sequenses (static) need fixing. The 2nd scene (music box jess) seems too short compared with the other shots.

Filming 3

Overall I think filming went well, and i am happy with the shots. I checked thet they were in focus and left plenty of time before directing my cast so that it definatly filmed and diddnt seem rushed. I used a tripod for most of the shots to ensure they were still and smooth, as shakey filming can be unsettling to watch. I had a few issues with my cameras zooming differently when I began filming which lead to me having to zooming or out at the beginning of the shot.

Below are some photos I took while filming to take not of costume and makeup incase anything needed to be refilmed.

I needed to completly refilm because i filmed in the wrong file format so it was awful quality, I have looked at my camera and tested the settings and plan on refilming later today.

Filming 2

Shoot plan

Evaluation of poster

Overall i am happy with the outcome of my posters, I decided to superimpose them onto billboards, bus stops and other areas where is it common to find film poster adverts.

To make sure my poster was suitable I did soem research on the diamentions of billboars and bus stop posters.

(inc LIAR analysis)

Video feedback

Feedback1 by s0013779 on GoAnimate

Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.

Examples of placement

Media poster draft 2 feedback

1 (landscape)
I like this one, I think the clock really works well; it suggests to me that the horror film is going to be focused around time. The darkness around the eye helps towards the advertisement of the darkness of the horror. The distortedness of the eye advocates that there is going to be a lot of gruesome scenes. An improvement of this could be to have less black block colour alongside as it distracts you from getting to the information as more attention is going into the image.

2 (portrait)
I really prefer this one as I like the placement of the advertisement. I think it works better having it portrait than landscape due to being an audience I feel it’s more versatile and easier to read. The image gives all the same effects as the landscape one but just has better spacing. There isn’t a lot of improvement that I would suggest for this one as the eye is central and would immediately shout out to the audience however  if you were to find it boring having nothing else on the page, you could add a few minor images on the outline of the poster to interest the audience.

Top (landscape) as it uses the rule of thirds a lot more where as in the portrait version the focus is more central. Also the top one looks better as it looks more realistic because of the face, the other looks like it could have been drawn/graphically made. Also the realism makes it looks scarier because it emphasises the fact that the film is set in the real world rather than a fictional one. Also the landscape one has a better text format as it can easily be read from left to right rather than the portrait one which forces the eye down.

Final Drafts

 This is the landscape poster, overall I prefere this one to the portrait version.
I also decided to make a similar portrait version as alot of films are advertised on bus stops etc. where only portrait posters are suitable.

Release date information

I decided to do some research into when horror films are usually released. I found that films are more likely to be released on a Friday so that they have a full week to gather box office ratings and have a better chance of getting a good standing in the film charts. Also Friday the 13th is deemed as an unlucky day due to various superstitions and is commonly seen as the day that evil will disturb people on earth.  Horror films are more likely to be released on this day.

I have decided to make both a portrait and landscape verison of my poster as most posters have both so that they can be advertised in more places, a good example of this is the posters for the film 'sinister' (see below) which use the same image for both and only change it slightly.


The shading effects on the eye are very good at creating a theme of horror and are very effective at disturbing the viewer which instantaneously allows the viewer to identify this poster with the horror film genre. The tag-line is very effective at reinforcing the disturbance which is portrayed by the eyes themselves.
Not a big fan of the vengeance bit. Kind of looks like jam.
Sort out the line near the hairline, and hair strands bottom left.

The blood effect and shading around the eye is very realistic and creates the intended feeling of horror. Small details such as blood/dirt around the fingers also intensify this feeling. The choice of black background is ideal and complements the shading above the eye. You could try burning the edges of the clockwork just to blend it into the outer rim of the eye. Overall the choice of imagery is very fitting and compelling to look at. However, I would change the font as the white/red contrast is more distracting to the eye. Perhaps you could also extend the canvas to the left and have all of the font centre aligned rather than staggered. Just some alterations to the font are required but the photo is perfect J

Draft 3

This is the 3rd draft of my landscape poster, overall I am happy with it 

Research on text shown on posters

I decided to do some research into what the text at the bottom of film posters actually says, it varies from poster to poster but usually includes the producer, the director, who is starring in it and who the music is preformed by.

Draft 2

I decided to get rid of the white text box around the text and instead switch to a white font.

Font styles I Considered For The Poster


Draft 1

This is the first draft of my poster

Info on dragen effect

The dragen effect is achieved by editing and can add emphasis to detail or give the photograph a painting like feel. The high contrast can help make less noticeable factors more noticeable or vise versa. This affect is achieved by increasing the level of shadow and then decreasing the saturation of the image. The image can then be sharpened and details can be emphasised with the brush tools. This kind of editing helps add to emotional value, it creates a kind of double image upon the person. For example in the photo the contrast helps show not only the innocent but the darker side of the subject. This type of editing often draws you in to look at the subjects eyes as they are usually the brightest aspect of the image and as the subject of photos edited in this way is usually older the dark lines act as a guide for your eyes to follow around the rest of the photograph.
I plan on editing the image on my poster/website in this style as it will add a dark and sinister tone to it.

Making the poster

(inclue yt video)